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Record of Brown Grounds


Just before the recent sesshin a hasty trip was made in search of a kyosaku of the right heft. During that foray I had the good fortune to obtain this page.

Bumper to Bumper on the Great Highway.
Kanzeon at the wheel.
“Watch this,” Kan says thru a mischievous grin
as she slows
majestically motioning
Strip Mall Auto to enter the stream in front of her.
Auto smiles and waves.
Zips through the crossroads.

Red light!

The Three Pals — trapped at the light.
Behind – Autos trapped at the light.

Autos glare & blare. “I’m dying here!”
“My life has stopped.”—trapped at the light
“All because of you.”—stopped by the light.

“Just trying to help,” Kan deadpans.
Man smirks.
Ji rolls her eyes.

Kan’s Volvo, rocks with laughter,
Bumper to Bumper on the Great Highway.

Smash Mouth Says
Takin’ the back streets—
Your brain gets smart,
But your head gets dumb.

Though clear waters range to the vast blue autumn sky,
How can they compare with the hazy moon on a spring night!
Most people want to have pure clarity,
But sweep as you will, you cannot empty the mind.
Keizan Zenji – the hazy moon


Record of Brown GroundsPoisoned words from the pages of the obscure Record of Brown Grounds. Found scattered about the mountains and beaches of Oregon, written on the piñon and junipers around Santa Fe, and in the dust of Amarillo and Tucson.

edited by Gluttony & Comfort
revised by Comfort & Gluttony